S-08 FILM EXTRACT: Tilly - Aims & Rationale
Sunday 25 January 2009
Tilly - Aims & Rationale
We are working in the psychological thriller genre.
This genre is a sub-genre of a thriller. Where thrillers usually put the characters in a place of great danger, psychological thrillers focus on the mindset of a character, putting them in a place of great mental danger, as opposed to physical danger.

The sequence we will be filming will be placed about half an hour into the film. Speaking in a narrative manner, this part of the film is the complication.
This sequence fits into the genre because it is typically a very conventional sequence for a thriller.
It starts with a woman in her bed, waking up because of a phone ringing. It’s dark and she is alone. The mise en scene is a typical bedroom belonging to a young couple. This is often a setting for this genre, as it shows how normality is not safe from the complication in the film. This way the audience can relate to the setting and the characters, developing the thrill that they get from watching.
After a telephone conversation with her friend is cut short due to a power cut, she has to find a torch and go down into the basement.
The lighting here is typical of the thriller genre – it is mostly dark, with the only light coming from the torch she is holding. This increases the tension in the sequence, making it fit in with the genre.

In the group, I am taking on the role of the cinematographer. This means I will be in charge of the lighting and framing.
Within this role, I hope to achieve giving the sequence the right mood. Using the lighting, I hope to create an atmosphere of fear and paranoia. This will be done by having most of the film in darkness, and when there is light, it will only be in small amounts – like from a torch or a small lamp.
I also hope to do this with the framing. Hopefully, by having a range of shot sizes and using them in the right places, I can increase the tension and shock of the sequence as much as possible.
My main influences for this role will be films directed by Brian DePalma (Obsession, Sisters, Dressed to Kill), David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club), Christopher Nolan (Following, Memento) and Alfred Hitchcock (Psycho, Vertigo).
I hope by watching these films, I can develop successful techniques in increasing tension and keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.


posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 08:01  
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